Some comical word mangling to amuse you!
A classmate once commented that she was extremely busy and had "too many ARMS in the fire" (too many irons in the fire)! It was all I could do to not LOL!
This is not an uncommon occurrence. Lots of people have Fire Arms.
My SIL asked my MIL to make Sabotage instead of Succotash ..We still chuckle at this one...
A friend of mine said her son received a newsletter from his university with an article on gentile herpes.
She also once told me that a deaf beauty pageant contestant got the symphony vote.
My 3 adult children where in the kitchen when I was making a fruit cake. My son ask if he could help and I gave him the nuts to chop. When he became to enthusiast in his chopping I started to tell him to stop or he would have nut dust. But, what came out was "your going to have duck nuts." I was embarrassed and the kids thought it was funny Mom cussed.