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Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Cauliflower
Ok so near our compost box, shaded by a pine tree and in the sun at probably an ideal combo. are hard orange discs with thick roots. Tried with a hand spade to dig out and discovered these hardy knobs kept going deeper and connecting to a network of roots. Smelled tubuler and looked like cauliflower. Yes- orange cauliflower. Thing is it may have started without us knowing from pieces thrown to squirrels or simply from compost bin. My mother happened to pile used loamy soil, mulch, leaves, etc.in the same area. It just coincidently happens to be an ideal environment for it! Thing is we never tilled or prepared area it is actually part of grass covered lawn with muddier soil near fence! We live in the Niagara green belt region for anyone wondering...kudos to all growing cauliflower, we do not actually have edible crowns, but neat right?
My cauliflower has just produce 2 side lteral heads to the main head on the plant. They are all growing well but is this normal as everything i read says it should only have a single head?
Yes, a single head is ideal. Sometimes secondary heads follow the main one. But cauliflower is one of the most tempermental plants in the garden. Stress, such as too much heat or cold (which can prevent a head from forming) to poor soil/nutrition to lack of water to insects can inhibit successful growth. See above about this.
Before you do anything, be sure that these are in fact lateral heads, separate from the main one; be sure they are not small curds that would eventually be part of the main head if left to mature. If they indeed are separate “new” heads, we are inclined to suggest that you could remove/cut off the side shoots to enable the main head to develop fully. Realize that this might introduce stress that would affect the entire plant. Or you could leave it alone and harvest a few smaller heads (those being the main and the laterals, later).
Have just harvested my first plant of the season. A nice 5+ lb head. I have pretty good soil here because i find it easy to grow and purely organic. I have several more heads approaching the size of this one. I also found the answer that I can only get one harvest from each plant. The ones I have growing were started from seed. Too bad I can't include a photo. All are white and no blanching was necessary
I'm on my second attempt at growing cauliflower and all is going well (now I've got the caterpillars under control), last time I only harvested one, but I never knew to blanch, is this only for visual satisfaction or is there more to it?
When the “head” of the cauliflower is left exposed to the sun, it may become discolored due to the development of chlorophyll in the curd. The taste is often sub-par, too. To get the best-looking and best-tasting cauliflower, blanching is recommended.
Thank you very much
Felt helpful thnx
Iam looking for the coliflower leaf
For a cancer treatment
Would you help me?
Diseases and treatment in cauliflowers in tropical regions