Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Lettuce
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Some of our favorite varieties include:
- Crisphead: ‘Great Lakes’, ‘Ithaca’, ‘King Crown’, ‘Mission’, ‘Summertime’
- Romaine (Cos)/Butterhead: ‘Burpee Bibb’, ‘Cosmo Savoy’, ‘Green Towers’, ‘Little Gem’, ‘Paris White Cos’, ‘Parris Island’, ‘Valmaine’
- Loose-Leaf: ‘Black Seeded Simpson’, ‘Green Ice’, ‘Ibis’, ‘Lollo Rossa’, ‘Oak Leaf’, ‘Prizehead’, ‘Salad Bowl’, ‘Slobolt’
- Red Leaf: ‘New Red Fire’, ‘Red Sails’, ‘Ruby Red’ (Not recommended for hot weather areas; the red pigment absorbs more heat.)
…But there are so many more types of lettuce to explore! What are your favorites?

Cooking Notes
Lettuce makes the perfect base for any number of salads. Try these eight great salad recipes with your harvest!
Lettuce is bolting if it forms a central stalk that eventually rises high above the base leaves. This seed stalk (which has leaves along its stem) will form flowers toward the top and eventually seeds. During this time, the lettuce leaves develop a bitter flavor.
what would happen if you eat lettuce before its ready?
If you harvest some of the young leaves, they’re simply more tender. Eat and enjoy!
Hi my lettuce has been growing well for the season but now it is not producing any more lettuce and I have been told that it is doing something called going to seed but I really don't know. I was wondering if I could still do anything with them or if they were totally done.
Leaf lettuce can stop growing when it is preparing to bolt (go to seed). Warm temperatures, over 70F, as well as changing day length, will trigger the plant to spend its energy in forming flower stalks. When this happens, leaves can become bitter. To delay bolting, if your area has been experiencing warm temperatures, you might try putting shade cloth over the plants so that they get filtered light. Try to keep them out of the heat of the sun. Be sure to keep up with the watering (but don’t overwater). As the plant bolts, you can still harvest the leaves until they become too bitter.
I am confused. This is my first year with my vegetable garden. I am ready to cut some of my lettuce. But does it regenerate or not? If it does regenerate how many times can it do that for? So someone fill me on this. Thanks so much.
Whitney Stolich
Leaf lettuce can be harvested continually throughout the growing season until the plant starts to bolt or otherwise expires, as long as you harvest only the outer leaves each time and leave enough inner leaves, and the inner growing center, for the plant to continually make new leaves and make food for itself. Those inner leaves will then mature and become the “outer” leaves, and you can harvest those. (The cut stem base of the harvested leaf will not re-grow into a new leaf.) Heading lettuce, however, is usually just harvested once after the head matures.
Thanks for giving me knowledge. But I want to know how to plant seeds
See the “Planting” section above which provides the information about planting lettuce seeds.
I am starting to grow lettuce, how many times a day should I water it?