Snapped this pic of my very old little dog while he was enjoying hanging out at the local swimming hole called Baker’s Landing!
Our rescue Pit Bull is 13 and over weight. It's difficult for him to get around, much less go for a long walk for exercise (and he doesn't like the water). I'm at a loss for ideas as to how to get his weight down. Any ideas?
My pit-bull mix is 11 and also overweight with arthritis. Luckily he still loves taking walks and playing with his toys!
Try gentle massage to help with muscle stiffness/mobility issues and gradually work your way up to longer walks and more activity. Your dog may be in pain (arthritis is just as common in dogs as in people) and may benefit from a daily, low-dose doggy pain reliever (I give mine half of a doggy aspirin daily and a whole one on rainy days--check with your vet). You can also try swapping out normal dog treats for cut-up fresh vegetables, such as carrots, sweet red peppers, cucumbers, watermelon.
My 12 yr old Chihuahua was on kibble at vets recommendation his whole life. Got neutered at age 9 due to he needed dental surgery so I relented and had him neutered. He got overweight within a year. Several more dental surgeries later switched him to HONEST KITCHEN dehydrated grain free whole food (not raw) April of this year- he lost weight (went from 14.8 in april to 13.5 in july). Make him bone broth and give him TOTAL BIOTICS probiotic. More energy. Is like a new dog. Highly recommend Honest Kitchen. Tip: hydrate the food with very hot water. And ideally for several hours or make night before- needs more than a few minutes.