Daily Calendar for Monday, April 7, 2025


  • William Wordsworth (poet) –
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglas (American conservationist) –
  • Irene Castle (dancer) –
  • Walter Winchell (columnist & broadcaster) –
  • Billie Holiday (jazz singer) –
  • Robert Pershing "Bobby" Doerr (baseball player) –
  • James Garner (actor) –
  • Francis Ford Coppola (director) –
  • Tony Dorsett (football player) –
  • Jackie Chan (actor & stuntman) –
  • Russell Crowe (actor) –
  • Tiki Barber (football player) –


  • Phineas Taylor (P. T.” Barnum circus owner”) –
  • Dave Arneson (co-creator of the fantasy game Dungeons & Dragons) –
  • George Nissen (inventor of the trampoline) –
  • Mike Wallace (broadcast journalist) –


  • Booker T. Washington became the first African American to be pictured on a U.S. postage stamp–
  • The World Health Organization was established by the United Nations–
  • Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical South Pacific opened on Broadway, N.Y.C.–
  • First distinguishable radar echo bounced off the Sun–
  • Jack Nicklaus won Masters Golf Tournament–
  • John Wayne won a Best Actor Oscar for his role in True Grit–
  • The Toronto Blue Jays played their first American League baseball game–
  • NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft launched–
  • After an undefeated season, UConn’s women’s basketball team won the NCAA championship–
  • A 4.9-magnitude aftershock registered in central Italy following the previous day’s 6.3-magnitude earthquake–


  • Record early heat in New England, 90 degrees in Hartford, CT–
  • A severe snowstorm closed highways in Iowa and left 19.2 inches of snow in Dubuque–
  • Sahara Desert sand began falling in Switzerland–

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