A pink quilt from a garage sale that was heavily perfumed and I STILL can't get the smell out four years later.
How much does the thought count? More then the cost. It is that wacky used gift or mothball smelling one that you will always remember. Some spend thrift or pennyless guest knew the importance of reuse. The reuse of a not used gift and the reuse of memories that will always be treasured and shared with many.
I received a wedding invitation that included where the bride and groom were registered and the registry number. I thought it was tacky. That information was already made public on the bridal shower invitations.
Nothing can beat the gift my parents received from an ancient relative in Virginia: an old book (from her own shelves, no doubt) called "Richmond in Bygone Days." Mom said it was the most difficult and delicately phrased thank-you note she ever wrote!