Welcome the Least-Loved Critters
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Except the worst thing a toad can do to you is voiding on you. Transference of some decidedly-unpleasant secretions from glands on it's skin to your hand/fingers ( if you handle it which you would presumably be if it voided on you ) and neglecting to wash your hand prior to bringing it into contact with your eyes or mouth you might experience some irritation.
That said, I'm a big fan of garter snakes ( and most other snakes, for that matter), toads/frogs, most spiders ( especially keen-sighted ones though you can have my share of the bite-first/ask-questions-later yellow sac-spiders!
Bats are great but it's best to give 'em a wide-berth since some might be rabid. Besides if they're contending with human-avoidance they can't be eating mosquitoes. It's fun to watch 'em diving on flying insects around a rural light-fixture.
.05% of bats have rabies. A very low number and not something to be concerned about.
Oh sure, don't live life in fear of encountering a rabid bat. However, if you ever wake up with a bat in your room, go and get a rabies shot. Unfortunately their teeth are so small that you may have been bitten in your sleep without realizing it.
If you find that a bat has been in your house, especially in a sleeping area, you should go get yourself vaccinated for rabies. Rabies is commonly carried by bats and their teeth are so small that you may not realize you've been bitten. Many people have contracted rabies after having been unknowingly bitten by a bat in their sleep. I don't want to scare anyone and I don't want anyone to be afraid of bats, I just wanted to put this information out there.
I read the best way to get the Bat or Bird from house or garage is as the poster said: Open all windows; all doors; then move away; wait a while; the Bat or Bird will fly away; (esp. open screen-doors);; HH~
We had a bat get inside our house..no clue how but it was inside overnight. We didn’t know this until the NEXT night when it was flying around over our heads in the living room…both LARGE ceiling fans were on but these critters have echo location capabilities so no chance it would get hurt. Here’s where you need to know that fact…to get the bat out..simply open the door to the outside and move away. Sure enough, the critter immediately flew out. Problem solved…except…where was it overnight in our house…SPOOKY!
Bats are protected, so make sure if you have bats in your attic that you educate yourself about the laws and do not count on Wildlife Control Companies to share or be transparent about what they are & are not allowed to do. We own a bat removal company in North Georgia. There is a bat maternity season that runs from May-August and we have to be super cautious to make sure there is not a maternity warn and flightless babies before we remove bats.
How do you get bats to come to your home? Is there any guaranteed method of getting them to hang out at your place and stay?
Installing bat houses may help to attract these animals to your area. If you’d like to build or install a bat house, you can find guidelines at Bat Conservation International. Bat houses are also sometimes available at garden supply centers. Bats tend to frequent bat houses more often if they are positioned on buildings or poles instead of on trees, but bats also like dead trees (without the bat house) to roost in. There is no guarantee that a bat may take up residence in a bat house, and it may take a year or so for them to do so. But once they do, they may return to it year after year.
I love snakes, bats, toads etc. My friend once ran over an already dead snake in the road and she almost killed us and her two young children by panicking, swerving and screaming. I must have watched too much Crocodile Hunter (Steve Irwin) and used to pick up huge snakes by their tail. Toads I check my window well daily in the summer to scoop out any that fell in. Bats I haven't seen one in over a year so maybe they are extinct or on the way.