Sun and Earth Moving in Opposite Directions?
A great job by the Almanac staff on this issue. Yes, the earth is definitely warming and 2017 becomes another year of above average temperatures. But the Almanac is the only source I know talking about the effect low sunspot activity is likely to have to temporarily offset some of the warming. Fascinating stuff and thank you.
A fellow in Urbana, IL went through local temperature records covering 1914-1964. These temps had been measured 3 feet down in the soil and the air temp by the local university. He found a 1.4F increase in average temperatures. It has continued through today.
The excess CO2 in the atmosphere will exacerbate this warming trend in the next 100 years, causing the temp to increase more than normal.
So the overall warming is a normal cycle but the warming will be increased by CO2 blocking the normal radiation of heat from the earth into space.
I cannot believe the level of tripe I am reading in this comments section! From rad this and next level that and the "deep state" sending hurricanes to specific places and directing weather catastrophes to California! Get a job, buy a book, and try educating yourself instead of wallowing in whatever nonsense you are buying into on Facebook. You've done nothing but enrich Mark Zuckerberg, that little weasel.
Everything that's happening, has got to come to pass,yes we as a whole do make some things worse,but the bible has to full fill,Jesus is soon to come !!!
So "global warming" but it won't get warmer! Cool. Nothing like continuing the bullshit even though it is a tool to scare ignorant masses into global wealth redistribution and socialism.
It is a tricky concept but the idea is that a “quiet” Sun, one with little sunspot activity tends to result in cooler conditions on Earth than a “busy” Sun, one with many sunspots and warmer conditions on Earth. (Sunspots are magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun and the core aspect of our weather forecasts.) So, the theory expressed above is that while the Sun is quiet (now), the greenhouse gases are building up in our atmosphere, warming it/us/the climate (now). When the Sun’s quiet period is over in a couple of decades or so and sunspot activity returns, the heat created by sunspots will, effectively, merge with the increased heat of greenhouse gases. … and global temps get boosted for several years (or decades)…until the Sun quiets down again.
See the chart: the red spikes of Maunder Min show a quiet, or cool period; the blue spikes represent active sunspot periods, with increased heat on Earth. (We’ll admit that “red” usually means hot and “blue” usually indicates cool, but not this time; we did not create the chart and it is a very well-known/used representation.) Hope this helps.
There exists a very extensive fossil record of the past 50,000 years of life in the Los Angeles basin, at the George C. Page Museum, in Los Angeles. Along with the bones of the megafauna, that we are all familiar with, excavators at the Rancho LaBrea Project and at salvage digs around the area (due to the construction of the Metro subway) have been finding and cataloging the small life of the past as well. Fossil remains of fish, reptiles, amphibians, and even pollen grains and plant material have been recorded. The importance of these items is that they are a record of the area as it was because these are the fossils of what lived in the basin during that time, not what may have wandered into the tar pits while "passing through". What these fossils have shown is that for at least the past 50,000 years the Los Angeles Basin has become drier and warmer. Long before the advent of humans and the internal combustion engine. This shows a natural cycle of warming and cooling that has been going on for, well . . . forever. Does this get us off the hook for climate change? Yes and no. My belief is while we are in a natural cycle we still may be exacerbating the situation and if we can reduce those annoying fumes that make my eyes water when in the city then why not do it? Just do not believe that you will ever stop climate change, we puny humans are not that powerful.
Basin has
That’s the matter in a nutshell. It about cyclical patterns. Thanks for sharing.
Michael, you need to get "with the times". Geo-enginering has more to do with the weather these days , that sunspot activity or traditional weather cycles. HAARP and the use of nex-rad radar, is used by the "Deep state" to direct hurricanes and the Gulf Stream, as well as create the extreme weather conditions in California. Chemtrails have nothing to do with global warming, but all to do with dumbing down the population with aluminum, barium , and strontium.The fires in Northern California were caused by directed energy weapons (DEW), not lightning.Hopefuly more people will understand this causality, and demand changes, before we drift into dementia from ionic aluminum particulate inhalation from chemtrails.
With all due respect, this article is rubbish. There are several weather forecasters that base their forecasts on past weather. Amazingly, they are very accurate based on analogues of past years. Their forecasts have nothing whatsoever to do with global warming. The climate has been changing for millions of years. This is nothing but the "progressives" attempting to continue their manipulation and control over the population.