The center of the Milky Way galaxy with the supermassive black hole located in the middle (26,000 light years from Earth). Image combines X-rays from Chandra X-Ray Observatory Telescope with infrared emission from the Hubble Space Telescope.
See Which Way The Earth, Sun, and Milky Way Are Moving
Interesting info; ty~
Doesn't it strike you as odd how we can be spinning at 1000 mph, rotating around the sun at 66,000 mph as the sun supposedly hurtles through the vacuum of space at some astronomically blinding clip? Yet we always see the same stars and constellations over and over again and again. I have yet to see any shred of evidence of curvature on flat earth. I have seen many actual photographs with distances way too far that strongly suggest, "there is no curve."
I love the Farmers Almanac, packed with helpful information on a variety of topics. Please just research it for yourself, I laughed too when I heard it a couple years ago. Here is a good test, have you ever been in an earthquake and felt the earth move under your feet even just the slightest bit? If so let your right brain take the wheel for a bit and see how it will liberate you.
In Asrology there is the concept of the roughly 26000 year great year cycle which is divided into the roughly 2000 year zodiac ages. This is based on a rotational cycle of our sun and solar system about its twin star Esoteric spirituality, and specifically Hinduism, states that there is a time when our solar system is closest to the "Seat of Brahma," and humans are the most spiiritual. There is a time when we are furthest, and least spiritual, and this was the cause of the Dark Age, or Mideival period. From this viewpoint, all the increasingly rapid technological, sociopolotical, spiritual, and technological changes we are experiencing since the Renaissance are explained because we are now again moving back toward the"Seat of Brahma" from Pisces to Aquarius and from the Kali Yuga (age) to Dwapara Yuga. Where, or does, this model fit in with the model described here?
I kept watching the bright orange star to my South over the past few days, now it is more S.East. I never realized our solar system as a whole moved in a direction itself. Does it move in a straight line or do we revolve? Does the black hole move in the same direction?
Enjoyed the article, but am confused on the earth's rotation. Found Vega, but the article states now you know how we are spinning. Are we rotating counter-clockwise or clockwise. Just finding Vega really does tell me anything.
To clarify: Earth, the Sun, and all the other planets in our solar system are moving through space—as is the solar system itself! Vega’s location in the sky is approximately the direction in space that our solar system is moving in.
Regarding Earth’s rotation: As viewed from directly above the North Pole, the Earth rotates counter clockwise.
Another way to say counter clockwise...backwards