How Carbon Dioxide Shaped Earth, Mars, and Venus
First of all there is no proof that Venus or Mars were ever anything like earth. That's all "theory " and irrelevant in today's world. Green house games are essential to every lifeforms on this planet. Green house games are essential to growing green plants that produce, OXYGEN. Something we have to have in order to live. If COW levels really are a "problem ", here is the solution, plant trees and shrubs, and and green plant so that it will absorb C02 and produce more oxygen and will also filter out smog and other pollutants from the air. No regulations no mandates, just plant trees. And quit believing the rhetoric. Carbon isn't the real problem. Do you not realize that humans and all living things on Earth are? That'd right Carbon based! Global warming is a scam. Quit believing it and quit spreading the lies about it.
Your statement "carbon dioxide still makes up only 1/25th or 1% of the air." is nonsensical... I'll apply benefit of the doubt and assume you mean 1/25 OF 1% but surely your content is proofed or can be corrected... CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.041% more accurate - less alarmist !!
Ladies, this isn't a political page. There are plenty of articles about what Venus and Mars can teach us about Earth. Venus is poisonous now. Mars doesn't have much atmosphere. It's not a comparison to today. It was not always that way. Both planets had water. On Venus, it boiled off. This is just a discussion for those curious as to why and how our own neighbors are different. It's not a competition with our neighbors! Ha ha. That article on argon gas is cool too. I didn't know that.
Mars and Venus may have a lot of CO2. You know what they don't have? Trees and plants.
That is a lie Bob that Mars warms up to a comfortable 45 “because of CO2”. How about the nighttime temp. Bob? Bing says -100. What happened to CO2 warming. Did you think maybe, thin atmospheres allow solar radiation to heat up the surface that is why at night it becomes an intolerable frozen waste land. Nothing comfortable about that. Did you think Bob, Venus, second closest planet to the sun is maybe cooked by the sun. At least explain the virtues of CO2, its a fertilizer without which the earth would be devoid of plant life. Don’t spin things.
Thank you
so my thought on this with our trees and plants- we need to grow more trees and plants and toss bill gates to the sharks so he stops screwing up the planet. and those are my final thoughts!!