eggshells - I read crushed eggshells worked in the soil in and around new tomato transplants will prevent blossom end rot (lack of calcium in the soil). It worked for me last year. I also scatter finely, crushed shells around the bird feeders; doves like them. Do not use shells from eggs that have been boiled in salted water for the birds.
Crush eggshells and scatter around new transplants in the garden to ward off cut worms.
egg shells (after 20 sec in microwave) can be crushed and mixed in with chicken feed to increase their calcium intake, thus reducing soft shell eggs.
Crush dried eggshells and apply to Squash, tomatoes and cucumbers as a calcium supplement for the soil. You can also use any old milk this way as well. Helps to prevent blossom rot.
Soaking your plant stakes in used motor oil will mean petroleum leeching out into in your garden soil...doesn't seem like a good thing to me...to eat greens grown in motor oil soil...
I agree with you, Jennifer, I will continue to take my old oil to the recycling businesses!
I use tea grounds, and coffee grounds in my garden.
I haven't seen a sardine can key in some time, most I think now have the pull top.
Coffee ground REPEL cats. Would not recommend putting coffee grounds in litterbox if you want the cat to continue using it. Coffee grounds can be sprinkled in garden to repel cats though.
And this: extracted >>Coffee grounds: Dry the grounds in a warm oven, then sprinkle in the litter box or set a canful in the refrigerator to absorb odors.<<
Last I knew the caffeine is very dangerous to pets