What Do "Aspects" Mean in Astrology?

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What Are Aspects? And How to Find Them.

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Aspects are an essential part of astrology—an age-old tradition that goes back to the ancient Greeks. They indicate how the planets are interacting with each other. Depending on the aspect, that could mean ease or challenge. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of astrological aspects!

What Is an Aspect?

An aspect is an angle the planets make to each other in the horoscope. If you look at the natal chart below, you’ll notice lines in the middle connecting the planets. Those lines are the aspect lines or geometric angles that planets make to each other.

Each planet, in order from the Sun, has a particular role to play in the astrological chart (also called the natal chart).

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  • The Sun: identity and self-expression
  • The Moon: emotions, unconscious mind
  • Mercury: thinking and communication
  • Venus: love, creativity, aesthetics
  • Mars: drive, willpower, anger
  • Jupiter: expansion and luck
  • Saturn: limitations and lessons
  • Uranus: change, freedom, revolution
  • Neptune: creativity and spirituality
  • Pluto: willpower and transformation (yes, Pluto is included!)

The planets are spread throughout the astrological chart, divided into twelve sections called houses. Each house is 30º in time and space.

Aspects influence the “condition” of the planet, which is why you might hear an astrologer refer to a planet as “poorly” or “well” aspected when interpreting your natal chart.

A natal chart showing aspect lines.
Your natal chart. Note the colored lines in the middle, which are the aspect lines.

For example, at your birth, the Moon might make a 90º angle to your Mars. This is called a “square” aspect and indicates tension. Because the Moon is your emotional life and Mars rules aggression, this aspect could mean a hot-headed temperament. Favorable aspects indicate an easy flow of energy, while challenging aspects show obstructions.

What Are The Major Aspects?

There are five major aspects you need to know, all defined by Ptolemy, an ancient Greek mathematician. All are divisible by 10 and evenly divided in relation to a 360° circle.

  1. Conjunction: 0˚
  2. Sextile: 60˚
  3. Square: 90˚
  4. Trine: 120˚
  5. Opposition: 180

These are not the only aspects, but they are the most important. Before we explore each aspect further, it’s essential to consider orbs.

What Is An Orb?

An orb is the degree of exactness of the aspect. In other words, how close in degrees the planets are. The closer the orb, the more intense the influence will be felt. For example, if your natal Sun is 12º Taurus and your natal Venus 13º Taurus, that would be a conjunction with only a 1º difference. In other words, it would be as close to exact as you could get. 

Let’s say the Sun is 5º Pisces and Venus is 25º Pisces. That is a 20º orb, which means the planets are pretty far apart, even though they are in the same sign. The energy would be subtle or barely noticeable. Therefore, you’ll want to focus on tighter orbs, no more than 5º. (Some astrologers feel you could go as far as 10º difference, but I find it’s better to be as close to exact as possible.)

Astrological aspects chart

The Five Aspects

These five aspects are the main stars in astrology. Again, there are other minor aspects and aspect patterns, but the ones below are the ones to know.

Conjunction: The planets are 0º apart. In other words, they are the same sign, the same degree. For example, if your natal Mercury is at 12º Scorpio and your natal Mars is also at 12º Scorpio, they are conjunct. A conjunction intensifies the energy between the two planets, for good or ill. In this example, Mercury and Mars are aligned, which could produce a sharp mind or an argumentative nature. Remember, aspects show the energy. You still have a choice in how you decide to manifest that vibe. When a conjunction is exact with the Sun, it’s called “cazimi,” which means “in the heart.” This gives the planet power. However, it must be managed because it can run hot and create trouble, like in the Greek myth where Icarus fell to the earth when he flew too close to the Sun.

Sextile: The planets are 60º apart. This is a favorable aspect that shows ease and opportunity. The planets are vibing well, like good friends. Using our Mercury-Mars example, a sextile would indicate a positive, dynamic mindset.

Square: The planets are 90º apart. In my opinion, squares are the most difficult of all the aspects. This indicates difficulty. The planets are not cooperating. Once again, using the Mercury-Mars example, if they were in a square aspect, it might indicate temper tantrums, sarcastic speech, and a tendency to get into arguments. If you have this aspect, you must learn to calm down and think before you speak. (By the way, I have this aspect and admit to having a volcanic temper! I’ve had to learn to manage it.) Do not assume you’re in trouble if you have a bunch of square aspects in your chart. Some of the most successful people in the world have astrological charts filled with squares! While this aspect can be difficult, it can also be a catalyst for bold ambition.

Trine: The planets are 120º apart. Another favorable aspect, a trine indicates harmony, talent, ease, and opportunity. This is where you have gifts and good fortune. Once again, using Mercury and Mars as an example, a trine between these two might indicate a sharp, decisive mind. It could also mean you’re a strategic planner. But while the energy is positive, it can sometimes lead to laziness. After all, if you don’t have challenges, why bother?

Opposition: The planets are 180º apart. In other words, they are in opposite signs. Although the saying goes that “opposites attract,” in this case, it’s complicated. The planets are at odds, which has the feeling of being antagonistic. Sometimes, outer events can be a catalyst for drama. If you want to manage the energy, you must find the middle ground. If you’re able to do that, it can be a productive aspect. If we use Mercury and Mars as our example, this creates a “contrarian” personality. It’s the “devil’s advocate” who chooses the opposing viewpoint in order to stir the pot.

All of this geometry may feel confusing. Don’t worry. You do not need to be a math whiz to find the astrological aspects! Most astrology software has aspect grids embedded in their programs, which makes it easy to find them.

Detail of an astrological chart with planets aspects
Detail of an astrological grid with planet aspects. Credit: Bada1

If you want to find the aspects by hand, it’s not complicated. Here’s what to look for:

Conjunction – in the same sign:

Aries - Aries
Taurus - Taurus
Gemini - Gemini
Cancer - Cancer
Leo - Leo
Virgo - Virgo
Libra - Libra
Scorpio - Scorpio
Sagittarius - Sagittarius 
Capricorn - Capricorn
Aquarius - Aquarius
Pisces - Pisces

Sextile – every other sign:

Aries - Gemini, Aquarius
Taurus - Cancer, Pisces
Gemini - Aries, Leo
Cancer - Taurus, Virgo
Leo - Gemini, Libra
Virgo - Cancer, Scorpio
Libra - Leo, Sagittarius
Scorpio - Virgo, Capricorn
Sagittarius - Libra, Aquarius 
Capricorn - Scorpio, Pisces
Aquarius - Sagittarius, Aries
Pisces - Capricorn - Taurus

Square – all in the same quality (cardinal, fixed, mutable)

Aries - Cancer, Capricorn
Taurus - Leo, Aquarius
Gemini - Virgo, Pisces
Cancer - Aries, Libra
Leo - Taurus, Scorpio
Virgo - Gemini, Sagittarius
Libra - Cancer, Capricorn
Scorpio - Leo, Aquarius
Sagittarius - Virgo, Pisces
Capricorn - Aries, Libra
Aquarius - Taurus, Scorpio
Pisces - Gemini, Sagittarius

Trine – all in the same element (fire, earth, air, water)

Aries - Leo, Sagittarius
Taurus - Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini - Libra, Aquarius
Cancer - Scorpio, Pisces
Leo - Sagittarius, Aries
Virgo - Capricorn, Taurus
Libra - Aquarius, Gemini
Scorpio - Pisces, Cancer
Sagittarius - Aries, Leo 
Capricorn - Taurus, Virgo
Aquarius - Gemini, Libra
Pisces - Cancer, Scorpio

Opposition – look for the sign directly across

Aries - Libra
Taurus - Scorpio
Gemini - Sagittarius
Cancer - Capricorn
Leo - Aquarius
Virgo - Pisces

How to Interpret Aspects

  1. Consider the aspect itself. Is it challenging? That means this part of your life requires effort. Easy? You have talent or gifts in these areas. Use them wisely.
  2. Next, consider each planet’s role and attributes. What do they add to the interpretation? For example, the Moon rules emotions, while Venus governs love. If these two are in a harmonious aspect, it could indicate a loving disposition. If the aspect is challenging, the individual could be overly indulgent and may have to practice restraint with their habits.
  3. Pay attention to the houses the planets occupy. This will show which areas might be influenced. For example, a positive aspect between Venus and Saturn in the 5th and 7th houses is favorable for commitment, such as marriage.
  4. As you begin mapping out the aspects, you might notice that some planets interact greatly with others. At the same time, some have little or no interaction. If a planet has a lot of aspects, there will be more attention to that planet’s role in the chart. For example, my Mercury has significant aspects between the three planets in my chart. That puts Mercury in the hot seat.
  5. A planet with few to no aspects means it stands alone and is free to express its energy however it likes. That could sometimes mean a theatrical or awkward expression. For example, if your Moon is unaspected, you might have trouble expressing your needs. Or you may be over-the-top and wear your heart on your sleeve.
  6. You might also notice that some planets have a mix of favorable and challenging aspects. This can moderate or worsen the tension between the planets. Pay attention to the strongest aspect, such as a conjunction or an exact orb. It will give you a clue on how to best manage the energy of the aspects.

While aspects may feel overwhelming when you first dive in, it becomes easier as you continue to practice astrology. Analyzing aspects helps better understand your astrological chart—which is all about understanding yourself. 

About The Author

Theresa Reed

Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, is a tarot reader, author, and educator. Read More from Theresa Reed

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