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60-Day Extended Weather Forecast for Searchlight, NV

Free 2-Month Weather Forecast

September 2024 Long Range Weather Forecast for Desert Southwest
DatesWeather Conditions
Sep 1-4Sunny, hot
Sep 5-14A few showers, cool east; isolated t-storms, hot west
Sep 15-30Sunny, hot
Septembertemperature 83° (1° above avg. east, 5° above west)
precipitation 0.3" (0.7" below avg.)
October 2024 Long Range Weather Forecast for Desert Southwest
DatesWeather Conditions
Oct 1-11Sunny, warm
Oct 12-15Isolated showers, turning cool
Oct 16-29Sunny; warm, turning chilly
Oct 30-31A few showers, cool
Octobertemperature 70° (1° above avg.)
precipitation 0.3" (0.7" below avg.)
Map showing Old Farmer's Almanac long range weather region number 14

The 12-Month Long-Range Weather Report From The 2024 Old Farmer's Almanac

November 2024 to October 2025

Winter will be colder than normal, with above-normal precipitation. The coldest periods will be in mid-November, mid- to late December, and early February. Snowfall will be above normal in most areas that normally receive snow, with the snowiest periods in mid-December and early February. April and May will be cooler than normal, with above-normal rainfall. Summer will be hotter and drier than normal, with the hottest periods in mid-June and mid- to late July. September and October will be cooler than normal in the east and warmer than normal in the west. Rainfall will be below normal.

See the complete 12-month weather predictions in The 2024 Old Farmer's Almanac.

The 12-Month Temperature and Precipitation Outlook

November 2024 to October 2025

Temperature and Precipitation Chart, November 2024 to October 2025 for Searchlight, NV
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