
Weather Lore for May


Rains coming in over a local field

Photo Credit
Claudia Gregoire

May Weather Folklore

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Some people rely more on weather lore than the weatherman. Here are some of our favorite weather adages for May, courtesy of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Do any ring true for you?

Do you believe in this age-old lore? Share your thoughts—and any lore that comes to mind in the comments below.

Weather Lore for May

Dry May, wet June.

Cold, wet May,
Barn full of hay.

A cold May and a windy
Makes a barn full and findy.
(“Findy” means plentiful and substantial.)

A May flood never did anyone good.

Cold weather always falls on May 11, 12, and 13.

St. Pancras Day (May 12) never passes without frost.

More Weather Lore:

When a cat washes her face over her ear,
’Tis a sign the weather will be fine and clear.

Clouds moving in opposite directions mean rain in about 12 hours.

When apple blossoms bloom at night,
For 15 days no rain in sight.

Three Chilly Saints

Ever heard of the Three Chilly Saints? Mamertus, Pancras, and Gervais were three early Christian saints. Because their feast days, on May 11, 12, and 13, respectively, are traditionally cold, they have come to be known as the Three Chilly Saints. An old French saying goes: “St. Mamertus, St. Pancras, and St. Gervais do not pass without a frost.”

For more weather-related facts and fun, don’t forget to get yourself a copy of The Old Farmer’s Almanac!

About The Author

Carol Connare

As the 14th editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac, Carol Connare works with writers and other editors to develop “new, useful, and entertaining matter” for the annual Almanac as well as books, calendars, and other publications. Read More from Carol Connare

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