Planting, Growing, and Caring for Calla Lilies
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I will be bringing my lilies inside for the winter - they are in pots outside. Even though I only had 1 flower this year, the stems have multiplied like crazy. Do I separate them now or in the spring before I bring them back outside? Also, I usually just cut them off to about 2 inches when I put them in the basement. Is that appropriate?
I have a question my calla lilies were blooming beautiful yello flowers now they are blooming green flowers can you explain why? Thank you for your time and assistance.
It is natural for calla lily blooms to turn green (and eventually brown) at the end of the flowering cycle as they prepare to go dormant. But if the change is happening early- or mid-season, the most likely culprit is fertilizer. An excess of nitrogen in the soil can dull the vibrant colors and create a green hue. Our friends at the Iowa State Extension Service serve up some helpful calla lily advice: https://www.extension.iastate.edu/mills/files/documents/10.October%202021.pdf
Good information! I have a calla Lily that has grown from 2-3 stalks (?) to about a dozen over about 5 years. This year I have 4 blossoms but the are not opening fully. Mine are the creamy white with purple center, beautiful. They get full/part sun. After reading this article I realize I will need to dig them up this autum. Hope to find someone to share them with.
We’ve lived in our home for 3 years, outside of Syracuse, NY. We’ve had what we thought was a foliage plant near a variety of lilac. Yesterday I looked out our living room window and was amazed to see a spectacular yellow bloom. It’s a calla lily. It has remained outside since we moved in and other than mulching, we have done nothing special to care for it. Is this unusual?
Hi Emily, it sounds to us like the former owners planted the lily outside and somehow it has survived. Last year was a very mild winter, yet it seems strange it’s the first year it has bloomed. It could be that it’s in a sunny enough spot and close to the house that it’s defying its typical hardiness zone. We say, enjoy it while it lasts! —The Editors
Mine always drips at the end of the leaf. Is this normal?
My calla lilly blooms will not stand up. What am I doing wrong?
My calla Lilly won’t bloom
My callas are done blooming but are bent over with a large pod that looks like a seed inside. Is that a seed and can it be dried and planted?