Keep Stink Bugs Out of Your Home and Garden
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Are these the ones that smell like cut grass when smashed?
I use a clear plastic tube (The kind that certain toys come in) put about 2 inches of water and mix with dish soap and catch and drown them. They fall right in when put under them outside the house. I've killed hundreds that way.
Phil Holderby
I really hope whoever brought them over has not gotten a minute’s peace! Every time I turn my heater on in my car I smell it, they terrorized my tomatoes, they’re in the house, it sounds like you’re being dive-bombed by a 747! 😡
First seen in 1998? I don't understand that. I'm in my mid-40's and saw them all the time when I was growing up in south Mississippi.
I'm 63 and live in Michigan. Stink Bugs have been around since I was very young, way before 1998!
Perhaps it was a similar looking but different species? While this article is specifically about BMSBs, I don't doubt there are many such stink bugs that are natives to the States. I've been seeing the green ones all my life.
Oh yeah, here, at the beginning of the article:
"There are a few native stink bug species, but we are mainly focusing on the non-native brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, which is a significant garden and agricultural pest."
You can also flush down the toilet 🚽 they can't swim 🏊 those stinkbugs.
Come to North Carolina...they are every where....thousands.... i killed 50 plus Saturday trying to get in my storage shed and house. I have taken to waiting on COLD weather [freezing] and then bomb my sheds in effort to control...I have reduced population some what but it is and every day fight and esp. during this month [Oct] when they seek shelter....If you have a fire place they will hide in the chimney due to heat going up...so in December build a fire to kill em. They love attic space and stack of old sheets and blankets if you keep them for frost protection for your early garden They will hide in florescent light fixtures left on . Any place that provides protection from freezing weather....They are a menace of great importance..kill them. I have watch them 'walk' across sticky traps, so that does not work and 7 dust will not kill them as they have become 'mutated' resistant. the best I have found is hornet and wasp spray, it reaches high places and will kill them, but be careful about where you spray so not to harm beneficial like spiders.
Surprisingly, I have seen very few stinkbugs the last two years. Seems the Lantern Fly population has declined in my immediate area too.
I'm in SE PA.