Mercury Retrograde Predictions for Each Astrological Sign
Lady Libra here! I have a lipo and fat transfer procedure scheduled 11/6 ... With Mercury Rx, how bad can this be?
During Mercury Retrograde, I'm wondering if I should postpone starting an online store (no contracts, etc. - just listing products to sell).
I am scheduled to start schooling for a new profession. I just realized it will begin during Mercury Retrogade August 6 2018.
Do I delay beginning classes?
Thank you
Llewellyn has a book called Llewellyn’s 2018 Daily Planetary Guide. According to it, the last sign Mercury was in, is Taurus. Fortunately, we have the Almanac to tell us what that means, so that between the two, we can get a better idea of what’s happening. Good luck!
I have a question. What exactly does it mean by what sign the planet is in when it goes retrograde? I am not sure if I am interpreting that correctly. For example, the first Mercury Retrograde for 2018 is listed as March 23 thru April 15. The zodiac sign that covers those dates is Aries. So then Aries would be the sign that Mercury is in when it retrogrades the first time in 2018? If that is correct, then I would also like to know about the third time it goes retrograde which is November 17 thru December 6 which means it would be in two signs during that time frame (Scorpio and Sagittarius). Is that correct? Thank you!
I am not an astrologer, but if I understand things correctly, in western astrology, the signs refer to 30-degree segments along the ecliptic (Sun’s apparent path across the sky over the year at the same time each day). These increments originally referred to the constellations present at that location many years ago. But due to Earth’s slowly wobbling axis, the 30-degree increments no longer exactly align with the constellations; the segments still retain the original names, however. I believe that a planet’s sign refers to the location in relation to the ecliptic.
The dates listed in parentheses in the article above next to a sign are the sign that the Sun is in, not Mercury. We will revise the page so that this is clear—sorry for the confusion! I checked an ephemeris, and, if I am interpreting it correctly, it seems to agree with your data. However, the sign that Mercury is in won’t always agree with the sign that the Sun is in. You’d need to check an ephemeris each year for the particular planet that you are interested in. Mercury will be in the sign of Aries during March 23 through April 15 (actually, early March through mid May). Mercury will be in Scorpio from about mid October through the end of that month, then it goes into Sagittarius for November, then (due to retrograde motion that started in November) back into Scorpio in early December before going back into Sagittarius in mid December after it resumes direct motion. So from November 17 through about December 1, it is in Sagittarius, then goes to Scorpio around December 2, then back into Sagittarius around Dec 13 through the rest of the month. Hope this helps!
I started paperwork to get an equity loan before retrograde but am afraid to turn it in but they're waiting for it they said I was already approved what should I do
No need to wait if things had already been decided before Mercury went retrograde. You are good to go at this point. Just make sure nothing gets lost in the mail if the postal service is to be used. Get tracking if sent by mail and watch it closely.
My boyfriend broke up with me at the beginning of the mercury retrograde...it was really odd because we were happy and fine the day before. I read that people who usually break up during the retrograde usually get back when it goes direct. Do you think there's a chance will get back together after this retrograde?
ok, since mercury is going retrograde dec. 3, 2017, I would read the Sagittarius one, correct? my friend and I are not on the same page for this. she says I should read MY sign. thank you for clearing this up.