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Most people have heard about Mercury retrograde. But did you know that all the other planets are retrograde at various times of the year? Mars is about to station retrograde on December 6. Here’s what you need to know about Mars retrograde.
What Does Retrograde Mean?
When astrologers refer to “retrograde,” they are talking about a period when a planet’s orbit slows down. This creates an illusion where the planet seems to be traveling in reverse from our vantage point on Earth. Depending on the planet, the retrograde period may last a few weeks or months. For example, quick-moving Mercury shifts into retrograde 3 or 4 times a year!
Similar to rebooting your cell phone, retrogrades are an opportunity to reset. Think of it as your time to review, reflect, and rebalance. Once a planet ends the retrograde motion, you come out the other side with a new perspective.
The current Mars retrograde is from December 6, 2024, through February 23, 2025.
Mars stations retrograde on December 6, 2024, in the sign of Leo and moonwalks back into Cancer on January 6, 2025. Astrologer Shaheen Miro shares, “During this retrograde through Leo and Cancer, you’re invited to revisit themes of pride and leadership (Leo), as well as emotional security, home, and the foundations you’re building (Cancer).” By the time this retrograde comes to a close on February 23, you’ll emerge relaxed, recharged, and ready for takeoff. “The gift of this period is a refined sense of focus and clarity, paving the way for more meaningful long-term actions,” he adds.
Upcoming Mars Retrograde Dates
Zodiac Location
January 10, 2027 - April 1, 2027
Begins in Virgo, ends in Leo
February 14, 2029 - March 5, 2029
Begins in Libra, ends in Virgo
March 28, 2031 - June 13, 2031
May 26, 2033 - August 1, 2033
Begins in Capricorn, ends in Sagittarius
August 15 - October 15, 2035
Fun factoid: Although Mars moves sequentially through the zodiac, it marches to a different beat than the other planets. This means the retrograde may skip or repeat signs. Mars stations direct and retrograde, most often in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.
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What Happens When Mars is Retrograde?
Mars stations retrograde approximately once every two years for two months. This means it’s not as common (or pesky) as Mercury retrograde (Learn how Mercury Retrograde affects you). However, it still has the ability to create chaos when it occurs.
The red planet is associated with passion, willpower, action, and drive. When Mars is retrograde, it can feel like the fire is out. Enthusiasm wanes, courage is muted, and motivation is harder to find. This wet blanket vibe creates disinterest, leading to slowdowns and setbacks.
Needless to say, this can cause tension, especially in work-related matters. For example, if you need to meet a deadline, you could experience obstacles or distractions that force you to work harder. Instead of a normal pace, you are moving as if you’re wearing cement shoes. This doesn’t mean you can’t get anything done or that activity will cease. It just requires more effort during a Mars retrograde. Miro states, “The blahs are simply a signal to shift your focus. Instead of forcing progress, lean into activities that fortify and restore you.” He adds, “Mars retrograde is the perfect time to ease up on intense labor and allow yourself to recharge.”
Mars is known as the “warrior planet,” which means aggression, anger, and conflict are also up for review during the retrograde period. Because retrogrades turn the energy inward, the feeling is similar to a simmering volcano. For example, if you get mad, you might have trouble expressing it. So, you attempt to suppress your feelings until they boil over. Temper tantrums, road rage, and explosive arguments are common Mars retrograde reactions, especially if you do not regulate your emotions.
Because Mars is usually an “act first, think later planet,” impatience and impulse tend to get amplified during retrogrades, leading to situations where you take action only to regret it later. As you can see, this transit can stir up trouble if you do not manage the energy.
Photo: Allexxander
So, How Do You Handle Mars Retrograde?
First of all, you need to slow down, take a breath, and count to ten before reacting or taking action. A bit of mindfulness will prevent most of the Mars retrograde problems. Miro adds: “It’s an opportunity to reassess where you’re asserting your energy and effort and to examine the motivations and roots behind your actions.”
If anger or jealousy arises, healthy outlets can cool you down. Physical activity falls under Mars’s realm, so exercise such as a brisk walk or weed-pulling session in the garden can do wonders for your mood. Gentle activities are also helpful for calming your fire. Miro recommends “journaling, creating, or simply taking time to rest, recharge, and treat yourself right” as wholesome options.
It’s essential to resist conflicts as much as possible. This could mean stepping away from situations that seem to be escalating or dodging angry types who want to stir the pot. “Listening more and responding less can help you stay grounded. Not every conflict needs to be resolved immediately. Sometimes giving it space is the healthiest choice,” advises Miro. In some cases, boundaries may be necessary. Above all, you’ll want to choose your battles wisely. This means focusing your energy on the most important issues and not getting caught up in unnecessary or unproductive squabbles.
This also extends to legal conflicts. Mars retrograde is not the time to initiate a lawsuit. Odds are, you won’t find success. However, if someone files a lawsuit against you, you have a better chance of winning.
Another standard guideline is to avoid starting a new business when Mars is retrograde. It’s more likely to run into problems or fail. “Mars is bold and action-oriented, but during a retrograde, those qualities can feel misaligned,” says Miro. “This isn’t the time to launch new projects or take impulsive actions. Instead, focus on reflecting, refining, and redirecting your energy and actions moving forward.” If you use this period to examine your plans, you’ll be ready to launch once the retrograde comes to an end.
Mars retrograde is the perfect time to revisit old projects. Update, reorganize, or tie up loose ends. If something has been left dangling for too long, this is the perfect time to wrap it up once and for all. See the best days to finish projects.
Lastly, Mars is associated with power. How are you stepping into your power … or not? Do you allow others to push you around? Do you use aggressive or passive-aggressive ways to get what you want? Find the courage to reclaim your power. At the same time, don’t forget to respect other people’s autonomy.