hi! i find this info helpful. but can i ask for a sample solution for this? just to make sure i interpreted/used the table correctly. :) hope to hear from you
Hi, Mae,
We added text above the chart to try to give more explanation. Here's a sample of how to use the information for a project:
Let's take the classic 2 x 4 board.
As the chart above shows, this board is actually 1-1/2 x 3-1/2 once the board is dried and milled into a plank and finished lumber.
So, let's say you wish to build a deck of 2 x 4s and you want it to be 10-feet-wide, and you decided to have quarter-inch spacing between boards.
With quarter-inch spacing, the board plus the space equals 3.75 inches.
Multiple the width of 10 feet x 12 inches (which equals one foot) and that equals 120 inches.
Divide 120 inches by 3.75 to equal 32 boards across.
I hope this helps! –Your OFA staff