
How to Make Vegetable Stock Out of Kitchen Scraps

Vegetable stock in a red pot, surrounded by vegetables
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Joerg Beuge/Shutterstock

What Are the Best Vegetable Scraps for Broth?

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Why throw out some of the healthiest parts of vegetables (potato peels, broccoli stems, etc.)? Toss those vegetable scraps into a stockpot for a delicious, nutritious broth! Here are the best vegetable scraps to use in stock that will add a gourmet kick to soups, stews, chowders, or casseroles. 

A More Healthy Stock

Don’t throw out those scraps! Potato peelings, for example, concentrate most of the potato’s potassium, a nutrient deficient in many American diets. Onion skins and celery leaves contain lots of the anti-oxidant/anti-microbial phytocompound quercetin. Bone broths, as well as those simmered from shellfish shells and eggshells, recover many of the minerals that gave them structure and strength.

Best Vegetable Scraps for Broth

Besides potato peelings, onion skins, and celery leaves, use cast-offs such as the tough outer leaves of cabbage or lettuce, leek tops, carrot foliage and scrapings, pea and bean shells, broccoli leaves and stems, the pomace left over from tomato processing, the tops and innards of green or red peppers, and wilted (but not spoiled or moldy) greens. You can probably think of more.

Keep washed and rinsed eggshells (I actually bake or boil empty eggshells to ensure safe storage and handling) and meat/poultry bones in another container. (Make shellfish shell broths immediately after removing the meat from them.)

How to Make Vegetable Stock

Save a week’s worth of vegetable scraps in a container in the fridge, then make stock on the weekend. Add a bay leaf or two, a handful of your favorite fresh or dried herbs, a few cloves of garlic if you like it, and a little salt (or not). Simmer on the stovetop for at least half an hour or in a big ovenproof pot when you’re baking something else. Strain the broth and toss the residues into the compost.

I keep the animal-product broths separate from the vegetable broths. The acid from a splash of cider vinegar added to the pot will help to draw more minerals from a broth made from shells or bones.

Unless you plan to use your stock immediately, cool it quickly by adding a tray of ice cubes, then refrigerate immediately. Freeze whatever you won’t use within a week. Leave half an inch of headroom at the top of the container and don’t forget to label.

Don’t Forget the Corncobs

I don’t like to consign those cobs to the compost before simmering them into a delicate corncob broth.

Once I’ve eaten or sliced off the kernels, I plop the cobs into a pot of water, bring it to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes with a bay leaf. Corncob broth provides a subtle, fresh-corn flavor to just about any soup or stew.

One More Frugal Tip

Take the clean leg and foot from a discarded pair of pantyhose or knee-high stocking, add a cup or two of rice or barley to the foot, tie it loosely to allow the grain to expand, and add it to the boiling broth. As it cooks, the grain will absorb the liquid and flavor and become the basis for another tasty, nutritious meal.

Here’s another idea: See how to regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps!

About The Author

Margaret Boyles

Margaret Boyles is a longtime contributor to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. She wrote for UNH Cooperative Extension, managed NH Outside, and contributes to various media covering environmental and human health issues. Read More from Margaret Boyles

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