
How to Clean and Season a Cast-Iron Skillet

Photo Credit
Heather Blackmore

Keep Your Cast Iron in Good Condition

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A cast-iron skillet can last a lifetime—or probably several if it’s passed from generation to generation! Here’s how to clean a cast-iron skillet to keep it in the best possible condition and prevent the loss of that all-important seasoning.

Cast iron isn’t just renowned for its durability; cooking with it also has health benefits. Research has shown that cast iron infuses food with a healthy dose of iron. And take it from me—an anemic gal—cooking on a cast-iron skillet is waaaay better than choking back liquid Geritol. It’s the most forgiving cooking utensil, able to withstand neglect and easily restored when it falls into the right hands. Anemic or not, an inexpensive and indestructible cast-iron skillet deserves a space in every cook’s cabinet.

How to Clean a Cast-Iron Skillet

First and foremost, do NOT use soap on cast-iron pans! The soap will break down the pan’s seasoning, dissolving its natural non-stick layer. 

Instead, if your pan is in good shape, follow these instructions after each use:

  1. Wipe the pan clean with a paper towel, preferably while it’s still warm, which will make it easier to remove bits of food.
  2. Using a non-metal brush or non-abrasive scrubber, rinse the pan under hot water (no soap!) and give it a good scrub. Alternatively, use a small handful of coarse salt and scrub with that. 
  3. Dry the skillet thoroughly with a cloth or paper towel—drip drying is a no-no—then heat it on a medium-low burner to evaporate any remaining moisture. (Rust will accumulate if water sits on the pan’s surface.)
  4. When the pan cools but is still warm to the touch, add a half teaspoon of oil (I used canola).
  5. Using paper towels, spread the oil around so that the interior is coated. Continue to wipe down the pan with the oiled towels until the entire surface is smooth and there are no pools. Flaxseed oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and corn oil will also do the trick. 

scrubbing a cast iron pan at the sink

How to Season a Cast-Iron Skillet

Most cast-iron pans come with a factory seasoning that improves with regular use and proper care. Well-seasoned cast-iron skillets naturally become non-stick. Buh-bye chemicals. Basically, the more you use it, the more non-stick it becomes. How does it work? When heated to its smoke point, oil or fat oxidizes and forms a Teflon-like layer that seeps into the pores of the pan, creating a slick surface known as seasoning. With repeated use, the seasoned layer builds, and less oil is needed for cooking.  

seasoning a cast iron pan with oil

Sometimes, a pan will need a bit of TLC, especially if it’s gone unused, to bring its seasoning back up to snuff. Here’s how to breathe new life into an old pan:

  1. Place the skillet over medium-high heat and get it good and hot.
  2. Using tongs, dip a paper towel in two tablespoons of oil and wipe the interior until it smokes and there’s no residue. Be sure to grasp the handle with a towel or oven glove.
  3. Repeat the smoking process three times, allowing the pan to cool a little between each application.  

Read more about why we love using cast iron for cooking!

About The Author

Heather Blackmore

Heather Blackmore tends a perennial and vegetable garden in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. She writes about her garden successes, failures, and observations on her blog. Read More from Heather Blackmore

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