A bar of soap serves more purposes than just cleaning us!
Soap Brows are now a "thing"! Using a bar of soap to groom brows allows them to stay in place all day and does not interfere with sunblock or makeup. Take a brow brush or spoolie and rub it gently over a bar of soap (I use a glycerin soap like Pears, or a bar of pure castile like Kirks--no perfume)Then brush eyebrows up and into place. If you use brow pencil or powder use the soap first then color where needed. I find that my brows stay well groomed all day without looking "made up" or shiny.
Soap or shaving cream used for anti- fog purposes can degrade any coatings you have on the lenses. Probably good for plain glass lenses with no coatings on them.
Also works on squeaky engine fan belts. Run the bar inside the belt while the engine is off to lubricate and quiet squeaks.
I have used a bar of soap to do all of the things mentioned in your article. Another use for a bar of soap is when your new shoes rub the back of your heel. Rub the the back of the shoe with a bar of soap. This also works if there is a place in the shoe that rubs your foot painfully. Just reach in with your soap and rub the spot on the shoe.
Place 3-5 old slivers of soap, fully-dried, into a sandwich bag with a zip lock. Puncture some holes in the sandwich bag to allow the soap's scent to escape. Place the sandwich bags in your clothes drawers. This will prevent them from developing any odors except for a clean soapy-smell.
My mother, born in the smokey Mountains in 1917, used a small piece of softened soap covered by a bandage to draw out splinters and to cause boils and pimples
to come to a head. IT WORKED!
Rub/scrape a wood screw across a bar of soap before screwing it in for a much easier time. Just put that old small scrap of soap in your toolbox instead of throwing it away.
I am near sixty and have done many of these but not all. I enjoyed the reminder.
Place an unwrapped bar of soap under the bottom sheet of your bed near your feet to stop night leg cramps.
I didn't believe this when I heard it, but thought it wouldn't hurt, so I tried it, having awful leg cramps. It works! I don't know why and don't care, but it's a miracle. No drugs needed!