National Watermelon Day takes place on August 3 and is a celebration of our favorite refreshing summer fruit!
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The watermelons that I've planted, I can't find the tag, but they are the long, lighter green variety. They grow to about 1- 1/2 to 2 inches long and seem to rot and fall off. They are in a raised bed. I live in Texas. It's certainly warm enough. Wondering what I'm doing wrong. Lots of flowers.
About how many melons per vine
May I know which variety is suitable for Karamoja which is the hottest region,and what are the common challenges during its production
N.?.P.? K.? Also when to stop fertilizing before harvest ?
Sorry if this is a stupid question but what do you mean by floating row covers? I am in central Florida. Based on what I’m reading, I should start seeds now indoors/protected and then set out later. I understand mounding, etc. but I had planned to just use straw for mulch. Do I really need black plastic? Thank you
I have grown sugar babies . I get a small melon but it stops growing What am I doing wrong
Thanks a lot for the knowledge distribution on the plantation of water melon. Does is mean that water melon need a warm temperature throughout for it to grow well?
I planted a watermelon plant back in may and it only started to grow last month in September now its the start of November and I have 2 melons. I don't know what to do to protect them if the weather gets any colder at night. We've had warm days but our nights are really turning chilly.
Hi, Theresa: This really depends on where you are, but you can usually cover up your melons (and nearby vines) with blankets or towels until a really hard freeze comes along. Good luck and thanks for asking!