Apply a layer of mulch around your newly planted shrubs, flowers, and vegetables.
Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for McComb, MS
Fertilize azaleas, camellias, ornamental shrubs, and palms, if needed. Use a fertilizer that has at least 30 percent of its nitrogen as slow-release.
Continue another planting hardy vegetable crops that mature quickly. Good choices are turnips, mustard, radishes, and spring onions.
You can plant lawn seeds now, if needed.
Thin plants when they are 2 to 3 inches tall to give them room for growth.
Mow your lawn at recommended heights (St. Augustine and Bahia: 3 to 4 inches; Centipede: 1.5 to 2 inches; Dwarf St. Augustine: 2.5 inches).
Side-dress your early-planted crops with compost.
Fertilize lawns with a slow-release nitrogen after danger of frost is clearly passed.
Once all danger of frost has passed, you can transplant tender vegetables, such as tomatoes and peppers. Before planting, harden-off by placing containers outdoors in a sheltered area for a few days.
Check sprinkler systems for any issues and fix, as needed.
If danger of frost has passed, plant warm-season crops, such as beans, squash, and corn.
Remember to water your plants, especially any transplants.
Keep a look out for insects. Control aphids with soapy spray on leaves.
Dianthus and other cold-season annuals should flourish this month.
Plant bulbs for spring and summer flowers such as dahlia, canna, and gloriosa. Amend beds with organic matter and provide stakes for growth.
Plant warm-season annual flowers, such as asters, calendulas, cosmos, impatiens, phlox, salvia, and zinnias.
Continue pruning summer-flowering shrubs, such as althea, hibiscus, and oleander. Do not prune spring-flowering shrubs until the last flowers have faded (but before new buds set).
Prune trees and shrubs before the end of the dormant season.
Rake up any leaves from your lawn and fertilize it after all danger of frost has passed.
If you have not done so already, you can apply a pre-emergent herbicide to your lawn to help prevent any summer weeds.