5 Tips for a Bird-Friendly Yard and Garden
You can spot the difference between crickets and katydids by their legs. The legs of katydids are aligned with their body whereas for the crickets they are perpendicular. As this can be tricky, katydids have elongated bodies.
Robin Sweetser, I have been receiving the Almanac Newsletters for many years and just want to tell you how much I look forward to articles written by you.
The information is always relevant and I think your climate must be very similar to ours here in Yarmouth, NS.
Keep the great information coming!
I believe your information was informitable.
Great Suggestions!
It has been gratifying to watch the roadrunners come to the lawn, for a natural meal, numerous times a day. They appear to be finding and eating the grubs(cutworms). This will benefit the growing grass as well as this bird.
Your thoughts?
Once you start feeding wild birds, was told to never quit, as they count on me, to feed them, and they will stop hunting for food, true or false..? Also, how do I rid of black birds, who come and eat small bird food, and scare the little one;s away..?
I stop doing a vegetable garden, alwaay's give to friends, they alway's appreciate free food, but when comes time for me to ask for help, to remove weeds, everyone has a excuse not to come, so no more garden, instead, I plant willd flowers in my 30 by 25 foot garden, and attracts birds and butterfly of all colors, and looks better than vegetables. I also feed Blue Jays, and chip munks, and squirrels, by giving them unsalted in shell peanuts, they all eat them, and then they all burry them every where for future snacks..why does raccoons eat peanuts. My back yard fence is 10 feet high, to stop neighbors cat from entering and he still does, to try and eat birds, any idea's on how to stop cat, and raccoons from eating wild bird food and birds..? I live in Ottawa Ontario Canada, and I love feeding wild birds, just to bad, price on feed has doubled in last 2 months.
Birds won't stop hunting for food if you feed them. The best way to keep cats and racoons out of your yard is to get a dog. The best way to prevent animals from eating bird food is to hang the bird feeders from tall sheppard hooks away from trees and grease the poles.