In the United States, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is observed each year on March 29 to honor the service and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans who had served during the Vietnam War. That date marks the day in 1973 when the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam, following a peace agreement signed that January.
Over 3 million Americans served during the war. More than 58,000 lost their lives in service, their names now listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington D.C. More than 1,500 are still unaccounted for.
Vietnam Veterans Day was first proclaimed by President Barack Obama on March 29, 2012, as a one-time observance. “… We pay tribute to the fallen, the missing, the wounded, the millions who served, and the millions more who awaited their return. Our Nation stands stronger for their service, and on Vietnam Veterans Day, we honor their proud legacy with our deepest gratitude.”
In 2017, President Trump signed the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, which officially recognized March 29 each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. A proclamation from November 10, 2017, about the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, says, “… We will honor all those who answered our Nation’s call to duty. We vow to never again confuse personal disapproval of war with prejudice against those who honorably wear the uniform of our Armed Forces. With conviction, our Nation pledges our enduring respect, our continuing care, and our everlasting commitment to all Vietnam veterans.”