Natural Ways to Prevent Whitefly Infestations
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I trusted Farmer's Almanac to offer sound and safe gardening advice. I followed the homemade recipe for white flies and it has completely burnt my plants! I am sick about it! All my hard work, time, and money is probably out the window :( !! My plants are either shriveled like they're burned, or have dropped all their leaves. Being that it is just past mid-July, I doubt they will recover at all. I am so very disappointed that this recipe was posted on Farmer's Almanac (FYI - I followed the recipe to a T, and sprayed in the a.m. and the leaves had time to dry before the sun was on them). DO NOT use the homemade recipe - you will kill you're plants!
Hi there- I see this is really old but maybe my reply will help someone currently. My experience has been that ANYTHING I spray on my plants must be diluted! Even a natural product like Safer Soap burned my houseplants! And killed them. So please research dilutions before spraying anything on your plants. I deal with random outbreaks of spider mites or white flies if I make the mistake of bringing a plant from a garden center into my apt. Usually, I grow everything from seed. Right now I'm battling white flies. They hatched on some plants I purchased 2 months ago. The spray I tried didn't work well, so the plants are going outside. I'm throwing the dirt out, sterilizing the pots, and wiping the area under my growlights down. Sounds extreme, but in a tiny space, you can't let any pests like this multiply. Other than throwing the plants out, putting them outdoors is all you can do. This isn't my first indoor pest rodeo. Good luck everyone! Grow plants indoors from seed!
That's a bummer, but I'll tell ya. By the time you get to dealing with whiteflies, it's too late. The plants get sucked dry--literally dry up. That's what whiteflies do. It's almost impossible to get rid of them once they get going. You gotta start real early.
I am sorry to hear your plants are flagging—that is an upsetting situation. I am not sure which recipe you used (we have a few on offer), but the National Gardening Association recommends a mixture of dishwashing liquid, such as Palmolive with lemon, and water—a sizeable squirt of soap to a gallon of water. The thing about any spray application is that timing is key. It needs to be done when the insect is at its most vulnerable stage—usually as larvae. The truth is, whitefly is nearly impossible to get rid of. It is a matter of preventative measures and population control, which this recipe should help with. The best method of control is beneficial insects. I realize this doesn’t help you at this point, but maybe it will of use at a later date (though I hope you will not have to deal with whitefly again!) Consider replacing your plants with non-host species. Again, very sorry to hear about your struggle.
Hi, I have an infestation on my squash and I'm wondering if I should cut off the damaged leaves. I have ordered some ladybugs to help as well. Should I cut off droopy, yellowing, or white-splotched leaves? Thanks
Hui Jennifer,
If the damage is so great that the leave couldn’t possibly be photosynthesizing, then sure go ahead and remove them. If they are only mildly munched, just let them be. Good for you for choosing to bring in some beneficials!
Thanks for the tips. Can neem oil also work on this fly? I practices organic farming and don't want to use any chemicals on my farm. Thank you.
Yes, I have used Neem oil for a long time with good results on pests and blights,molds as long as other problems. I only use 100% pure cold pressed Neem oil (you can get it at Amazon ). In a gallon of water I add 1 or 2 Tbls. of Neem, a good squirt of dish soap, 2 crushed asprin, and about half the time I also toss in a couple Tbsp. of Epsom salts. Shake well and spray under and over leaves well, stems, and soil around plants. Shaking frequently to keep oil mixed (soap helps with this ) Enjoy your gardens ! Before you know it we'll be shoveling snow !! n.w. Pennsylvania
Yes, neem oil works well on whiteflies. Great idea!
Love your tips, but they're not much help to me.
I have two big citrus trees, thick with leaves and fruit, and I can't see killing enough white flies with insecticidal soap to quell a huge infestation. Got an alternative?