The Surprising Benefits of Ants
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I have tried Everything to get rid of the ants in my garden. They live in the roots of my plants. I live on a sand prairie in Wabasha MN. It doesn't matter how much mulch I add to my garden they always bring the sand back up to the surface. I'm giving up on this war with the ants....
I've noticed Ants are more prolific during certain seasons; they also are affected by the weather; I left my garden ants alone; they went away on their own;
I learned a very easy, natural way to remove unwanted ants that has worked well for me. You must be able to access the anthill though. First, boil a pot of water. Meanwhile, get an empty flower pot large enough to cover the opening on the top of the anthill. Plug up any drain holes. Then take the pot and the boiling water out to the anthill. Pour the water over the anthill and then place the inverted pot on top of the hole. Go back and boil one more pot of water, then take it out to the anthill again. Turn the pot right side up. The surviving ants will have gathered in there, unable to escape. Pour the boiling water into the pot and problem solved. It has worked for me.
Don't want to disturb the Colony. How do I m maintain their colony without destroying my plants.
Maybe u could cover the anthills with rocks + pebbles to block their tunnels~
I woke up to about one-hundred new Anthills near my little garden; I notice they aerate the soil in a similar way earthworms do....nice~
I had a house with cracks that led to the exterior, so I had ants. But they were very unobtrusive and would only show up, in neat and orderly single file, to clean up crumbs from my coffee table, kitchen counter, etc, carry them off and disappear. I also killed a roach on my floor once and didn't have the stomach to look at it, let alone clean it up; by morning it was gone. The ants had carried it away. My ants were my happy helpers, basically like a Roomba. I forbade my visitors from killing my ants.
Easiest solution ever used in my garden is cornmeal- yep, plain old cheap cornmeal.
Sprinkle where ever you see the little pests, and they will disappear in a day or two.
No harm to plants, animals, or humans- seems to work without fail.
Yes I’ve tried cornmeal. And borax with sugar. The cornmeal did the trick I think or they moved the colony. I heard it only feeds them but I put it in my cracks of my patio and they moved from there. The first day they carried the meal off them the next day they were gone. I guess they can’t ingest it after eating and it kills them. Sone say we are only feeding them it’s a controversial subject. Now I tried borax and sugar water and added cornmeal. Made a paste but they couldn’t eat it so I put cornmeal, sugar, and borax dry on my beds and wa La . .. but watering is an issue you have to keep sprinkling it out . They seem to come back every week but not as bad. I have trillions of these tiny little ants. I know o don’t have aphids. I just planted my garden and don’t see a single one. The ants are eating my watermelon stems. So today I’m trying orange peels . Heard that sends them off too.
Hi, On April 20 I asked a sincere question about DE and can find no one's answer. Would someone please answer me? If DE has to be dry to work (as in the garden) how can it be an effective wormer for humans, animals, etc., where it will be in a wet environment of the gut?
And now, I also have a new problem. I don't want to put out poison because I have lots of little lizards around, and I don't want them to eat an ant with poison in its system. So, how do I deal with ants stealing all my grass seed? I have seeded a small plot three different times, properly fertilized per grass seed package directions, kept it watered, and watched this thoroughfare of ants crossing my yard and hauling off the seeds I planted! Help!
Thanks, G.G.