Wild Turkey Calls
I currently ha 13 wild turkeys roosting in my yard. Seen them in the area since spring but they started roosting in my gront trees a couple weeks before thanksgiving. I feel sooo blessed they choose my trees/woods. I've lived here 30 yrs this is the 1st I've seen this many in the area let alone my yard.
I live on a small acreage surrounded by over one-hundred acres of wooded area. It is not uncommon to see 4-7 turkeys in my yard. But the most surprising occurrence happened one day. To my delight, coming up my driveway was a rafter of turkeys searching the gravel and grass edges. When they reached my front yard I counted over 20 of them. They stayed in the front yard for over ten minutes. Then, as a group they then headed for the back yard and into the woods. They entertained me for over twenty minutes.
Luck you!
Fantastic when natures beings come to visit!
I see a group of 22 and another group of 15 almost every morning in Acton, MA. In the afternoon, they come back to feed and they are usually the toms first then the ladies about a half hour later. I listen to them and alert them when something that could harm them comes near.. It's funny to see them all looking at me, waiting to hear the all clear call, then they go back to eating..I can't wait for them to bring the young ones around this year.. One year we saw 40 babies in their annual "parade". They roosted in the area all winter long this year!
We see a lot of wild turkeys in our county in south Georgia. Also, I have two Blue Slate turkeys. The tom is one mean bird. Don’t turn your back on him and always carry a big stick!
I think I'm on Benjamin Franklin's side on this one, I love the wild turkey! However I saw how dim they can can be the other day. For 15 minutes one could not figure out how to go around a chicken wire fence, very entertaining.
I am trying to figure out what sound this is. Kinda sounds like a high pitched yoodle is always at dusk and in late summer
I see a lot of turkey in my area in the Fall and Spring. I see turkey in the morning sometimes when I eat breakfast.
We got few who trot thru our land in central okie land. I love to hear them calling..................
my small children once were chased by an angry turkey in SW Virginia, it chased them right to the front door, coming up on the porch! Will never forget that as long as I live! He waited for quite some time on the front lawn before venturing back into the woods.