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Ready for a breath of fresh air? Let’s talk about the three Air signs of the zodiac. Find out what it means to be an Air sign. Learn about their bright, quirky nature—as well as compatibility with others.
Each of the 12 zodiac signs is associated with one of four elements of nature: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. That means that each element is made up of three of the zodiac signs. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
The four elements. Credit: Igor Normann
What Are the Air Signs?
The Air signs share similar characteristics, but they’ll express the energy in their own unique way.
Fun to be around. Geminis are curious, quick-witted, and chatty. These social butterflies never run out of interesting things to discuss. Most possess a wicked sense of humor and sharp minds.
They’re natural communicators, which makes them adept at breaking down information and sharing ideas. This quality also means they can chat with just about anybody about anything. Most pick up on language quickly; some are bilingual or polyglots.
Because Geminis are a mutable sign, they are adaptable and flexible. Although they tend to go with the flow, they don’t like to sit still for too long. They thrive on change. Instead of the tried and true, they prefer new experiences and variety.
This can make it hard for them to commit to one thing or person. So it’s no surprise to find them moving on when they inevitably get bored. This leads to a reputation for being fickle. Once Geminis decide to stay, they can be loyal partners, provided they get the mental stimulation they crave.
Born under the sign of the Twins, Geminis possess a duality to their nature. There are two sides to their personality; you never know which one will appear. Some might see this as evidence of flakiness, but that’s not necessarily true. Instead, this adds to their charm.
When Geminis are operating at their best, they’re the life of the party, the smarty-pants bestie, and the clever free spirit who can talk their way into or out of any situation.
Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet associated with love, pleasure, and money. Their charming personalities ensure they attract the good things in life.
For those born under this sign, beauty and relationships are essential. Libras invest a great deal of energy into their partners. Sometimes, they put other’s needs first to their own detriment. It’s vital for these people pleasers to learn to articulate their desires if they want to achieve true happiness.
Intellectual and idealistic, Libras seek harmony in life. They are willing to compromise and mediate to achieve this. Because they are diplomatic, they can often be found in situations where they help others work through conflict.
Libra is a cardinal sign, a quality that adds leadership capabilities to their makeup. They love to take charge, especially when they see a problem that needs to be fixed. Then they go to work and don’t quit until everything is in order.
The symbol for Libra is the Scales, which represents their need for justice and balance. This means they prefer to weigh all sides before making a judgment. However, that can sometimes lead to indecisiveness, which can exasperate their loved ones.
Like the other air signs, Libra is logical. However, they are more sensitive than Gemini and Aquarius. A deep fear of rejection can create anxiety and can sometimes turn to depression if a relationship ends. But this never lasts long as they are rarely without a line of admirers waiting in the wings.
Of all the Air signs, Aquarius is the most grounded. This is because they’re a fixed sign, which adds stability and determination to their personalities, as well as stubbornness.
When you combine their reliability with the intellectual and idealistic qualities of the air element, you get a pragmatic, stoic, and purposeful person.
They’re ruled by both Saturn and Uranus, two planets that couldn’t be more opposite. Saturn adores structures, but Uranus wants to disrupt. These planetary influences mean Aquarius is comfortable in any situation.
They’ll be happy to pitch in and help build a better world. At the same time, they’ll have no problem starting a revolution if the old way isn’t working. Sometimes, this contradictory energy results in a rebellious, eccentric streak. Even so, something about how they present this energy makes heads turn. These nonconformists don’t follow the trends; they set them.
Aquarius is also logical. Facts are important to them rather than feelings. This can come off as being insensitive or emotionally unavailable. Neither is true. Aquarius does care and is rarely malicious.
When it comes to relationships, they are as loyal as can be once they give their hearts away. But they don’t do that until they are sure the relationship allows them the freedom to do their own thing. Like Gemini, they don’t like being pinned down.
Aquarius is friendly, outgoing, and tolerant. This leads to a wide circle of friends from every walk of life. An active social life is essential for their happiness. If you’re in their posse, count yourself lucky!
Symbols for Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
Air Element and Astrology
The Air element is associated with change, intelligence, and sociability. All three of the Air signs share these qualities.
Like their element, Air signs are changeable. They’re always moving, rarely stagnant, and sometimes unpredictable. This means they cannot be contained. They need breathing room. If they can’t get that, they’ll quickly find the exit. They’re more likely to stick around if they have the freedom to come and go as they please.
Don’t assume this is a sign of flakiness or irresponsibility. Air signs can commit once they know their wings will not be clipped. Once they’ve decided to make a commitment, they’re delightful partners, employees, or friends. For instance, as partners, they bring a sense of adventure and spontaneity to the relationship. As employees, they are innovative and always ready to take on new challenges. And as friends, they are the ones who will always be there to listen and offer advice.
Most Air signs tend to be social butterflies. They love to be around other people and usually have a contact list a mile long. These movers and shakers enjoy flitting from one event or social circle to the next. While it’s easy to surmise they’re extroverts, that’s not always the case. You’ll find shy violets amongst these gregarious personalities. Even so, the quieter ones will still find a way to shine, as long as it’s on their terms.
Air signs are renowned for their intellect. They process information and can dissect complex subjects with ease. Their hearts rarely get in the way of their impeccable logic, an asset when they need to make a point (which they love to do!).
This allows them to be excellent students, communicators, debaters, and teachers. However, they can spend too much time in their heads, making them appear unemotional or distant. But don’t get this twisted! Air signs can be just as sensitive as the other signs! They just prefer to have time to understand their feelings before expressing them. Once they’ve grasped their emotions, they’re skilled at discussing them.
Air signs are attracted to fellow Air signs because they adore the mental stimulation they exchange. They’re also mad about Fire signs, which they find exciting. Water and Earth are appealing (Air signs are attracted to opposites), but they can also find these signs too emotional or grounded for their liking.
Air Sign
+ Air Signs: Put two Air signs together, and you’ll have the popular “it” couple. These two enjoy lively banter and rarely run out of things to talk about. They also keep an active social life because neither are overly domestic. However, they can sometimes grow apart due to their need for breathing room. They need to have routines to keep their feet planted on the ground.
+ Water Signs: When Air signs and Water signs come together, it’s a beautiful balance of intellect and emotion. Air signs are captivated by Water’s ease in expressing feelings, which helps Air learn to open up and live in their hearts. This relationship can thrive, as long as Air’s tendency towards detachment doesn’t overshadow Water’s sensitive nature. With the right balance, this couple can create a harmonious union.
+ Earth Signs: Air is drawn to Earth’s responsible nature. While Air flits from one event to another, Earth handles practical matters. However, Earth’s frustration with Air’s need for freedom can lead to conflict. They may have a chance if Air can settle down and Earth can loosen up.
+ Fire Signs: When Air and Fire signs come together, it’s an instant spark of excitement. Air signs are drawn to Fire’s passion, while Fire signs are exhilarated by Air’s easy, breezy ways. Together, these two can embark on a thrilling romantic adventure. It’s like a rom-com come to life, with all the excitement and passion that entails.
Air signs, with their intelligence, sociability, and friendliness, are a breath of fresh air in any situation. They keep everyone engaged and infuse every moment with their unique wit and lightness.