Daily Calendar for Monday, June 9, 2025


  • Peter the Great (emperor of Russia) –
  • Cole Porter (composer & lyricist) –
  • Donald Duck (cartoon character) –
  • Patricia Cornwell (author) –
  • Michael J. Fox (actor) –
  • Johnny Depp (actor) –
  • Tedy Bruschi (football player) –
  • Natalie Portman (actress) –
  • Laurie Hernandez (Olympic gymnast) –


  • Charles Dickens (author) –
  • Roosevelt Brown (football player) –
  • Richard Eberhart (Pulitzer Prize-winning poet) –
  • Adam West (actor) –


  • Jacques Cartier became the first European to discover the St. Lawrence River–
  • Church of England fully adopted Book of Common Prayer–
  • The first copyright for a book was given to The Philadelphia Spelling Book by John Barry–
  • Irish-born British private Timothy O’Hea put out a fire in a gunpowder-loaded railcar in Danville, Quebec. The train had also been carrying hundreds of German immigrants who were locked in their cars. O’Hea was later awarded the Victoria Cross for his courage.–
  • First degree earned via radio given to Clifford Lideen by University of Iowa–
  • Donald Duck made his debut in the cartoon The Wise Little Henβ€β€œβ€“
  • Secretariat won the Triple Crown–
  • Deanna Brasseur and Jane Foster became Canada’s first female CF-18 jet fighter pilots–
  • Dick Van Dyke made history as the oldest person, at age 98, to receive an Emmy award–


  • Worst tornado in New England history in Worcester County, MA - 90 people killed, $60 million in damages. Also a tornado in Exeter, NH, injured 5–
  • Deadly tornado struck Worcester County, Massachusetts–
  • Eastern Florida was hit by Hurricane Alma, the earliest hurricane landfall on the U.S. continent since 1825–

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