Daily Calendar for Thursday, March 13, 2025

Purim will begin at sundown on Monday, March 6 and conclude at nightfall on Tuesday, March 7. One of the merriest days of the Jewish year is the early-spring holiday of Purim, celebrated on the 14th day of the month of Adar. It commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from the massacre plotted by Haman, the chief minister of King Ahasuerus of Persia. The source of the holiday is the biblical Book of Esther, which is read during special Purim services that are marked by great revelry. Each time Haman’s name is read, congregants drown it out by making as much noise as possibleβ€”whistling, catcalling, hissing, booing, stomping, or using groggers (special Purim noisemakers). One of the traditional foods of this celebration is hamantaschen, a three-cornered filled pastry supposed to represent Haman’s hat.


  • Joseph Priestley (scientist) –
  • Abigail Fillmore (U.S. First Lady) –
  • Percival Lowell (astronomer) –
  • Hugo Wolf (composer) –
  • Janet Flanner (journalist) –
  • Sammy Kaye (bandleader) –
  • L. Ron Hubbard (author) –
  • Douglas Rain (Canadian actor) –
  • Neil Sedaka (singer) –
  • William H. Macy (actor) –
  • Deborah Raffin (actress) –
  • Adam Clayton (bass guitarist for U2) –
  • Annabeth Gish (actress) –
  • Coco Gauff (tennis player ) –


  • Benjamin Harrison (23rd U.S. president) –
  • Susan B. Anthony (American social reformer ) –
  • Bruno Bettelheim (child psychologist) –
  • Maureen Stapleton (actress) –
  • Robert C. Baker (founded Cornell University’s Institute of Food Science and Marketing. He was responsible for many innovations including chicken nuggets and chicken hot dogs) –
  • Peter Tomarken (game show host) –
  • William Hurt (actor ) –


  • Harvard University was named for clergyman John Harvard–
  • Halley’s Comet reached perihelion–
  • The planet Uranus was discovered by English astronomer Sir William Herschel–
  • First political cartoon depicting β€œUncle Sam” published–
  • Confederate Congress agreed on the recruitment of slaves into the army (U.S. Civil War)–
  • Chester Greenwood patented earmuffs–
  • Eadweard Muybridge’s Zoopraxiscope, an early movie projector, debuted in London–
  • Tennessee banned teaching evolution–
  • The discovery of Pluto, the ninth planet, was officially announced on this date, which was Percival Lowell’s birthday. Lowell was founder of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, where Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930. (Much later, Pluto’s planet designation changed!)–
  • Hitler took formal possession of Vienna (WWII)–
  • The Viet Minh began a successful siege of the French-held Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam–
  • Oil discovered in Prudhoe Bay in Alaska–
  • U.S. Apollo 9 splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean after a 10-day flight testing the lunar module–
  • The Common Market officially inaugurated the new European Monetary System–
  • Irving King Jordan, Jr., became the first deaf president of Gallaudet University–
  • Solar flare caused power grid failure of Hydro-Quebec in Canada–
  • Moscow’s newspaper, Pravda, announced that it was suspending publication–
  • UFOs seen over Arizona, Nevada, and Sonora, Mexico–
  • For 15 minutes, Luciano Pavarotti took in bravos after the night’s performance of Tosca at the Metropolitan Opera. It was his final night of staged opera; the end of a career that began 43 years earlier. It was the biggest farewell ovation at the Met since soprano Leonie Rysanek said goodbye in January 1996.–
  • Twenty-five year old Dallas Seavey became the youngest winner of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race–
  • Roman Catholic cardinals elected the church’s first South American leader, Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He took the name Pope Francis I.–


  • Three-day blizzard, Saratoga, New York, 58 inches snow–
  • Seventy-three inches of snow depth at Woodstock, Vermont–
  • Blizzard in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine dumped 3 feet of snow–
  • High of 83 degrees F in New York City–
  • East coast blizzard dumped heavy snow: 25 inches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 27 inches in Albany, New York; and 13 inches in Birmingham, Alabama–

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