Daily Calendar for Thursday, March 6, 2025


  • Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (painter & sculptor) –
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning (poet) –
  • Oscar Straus (composer) –
  • Lou Costello (comedian) –
  • Ed McMahon (TV personality) –
  • Sarah Caldwell (conductor) –
  • Gabriel Garcia-Marquez (author) –
  • Marion Barry (politician) –
  • Valentina Tereshkova (cosmonaut) –
  • David Gilmour (musician) –
  • Rob Reiner (actor & director) –
  • Connie Britton (actress) –
  • Moira Kelly (actress) –
  • Shaquille O'Neal (basketball player) –


  • Davy Crockett and James Bowie (died defending the Alamo) –
  • Louisa May Alcott (author) –
  • John Philip Sousa (band leader, conductor, & composer) –
  • Georgia O'Keeffe (painter) –
  • Frances Dee (film star of the 1930s and 40s) –
  • Hans Bethe (nuclear physicist whose calculations explained how stars shine and laid the foundation for development of both the atomic and hydrogen bombs) –
  • Kirby Puckett (baseball player) –
  • Nancy Reagan (U.S. First Lady) –


  • Ferdinand Magellan’s fleet reached Guam–
  • First machine patent issued in North America was granted to Joseph Jenckes of Massachusetts–
  • U.S. Supreme Court handed down landmark McCulloch v. Maryland decision–
  • The city of Toronto, Canada, incorporated; William Lyon Mackenzie was its first mayor–
  • After a 13-day siege, the Texas fort, the Alamo, was recaptured by Mexican general Santa Anna–
  • Verdi’s opera La Traviata premiered in Venice, Italy–
  • First U.S. magazine for nurses published–
  • Charles Brady King drove the first automobile on the streets of Detroit, Michigan–
  • Aspirin was patented on behalf of Friedrich Bayer & Co.–
  • Congress established a permanent Census Office (later, U.S. Bureau of the Census)–
  • Nora Stanton Blatch became the first woman to be elected to the American Society of Civil Engineers–
  • The first use of dirigibles in warfare took place in an Italian action against the Turks in Tripoli–
  • Clarence Birdseye’s first frozen food appeared in grocery stores in Springfield, MA–
  • A nationwide bank holiday declared by President Franklin Roosevelt went into effect to help save the nation’s faltering banking system–
  • In an Allied air offensive, over 600 planes bombed Berlin (WW II)–
  • Comedienne Phyllis Diller made her debut in San Francisco at the Purple Onion nightclub–
  • Ghana declared an independent nation–
  • Notre Dame star Austin Carr scored single-game NCAA basketball playoff record 61 points as the Irish beat Ohio University 112-82 in an NCAA tournament game–
  • CBS Evening News anchorman Walter Cronkite retired after 19 years. His final words: I’ll be away on assignment, and Dan Rather will be sitting in here for the next few years. Good night!–
  • The U.S. Football League began its first season–
  • Soviet spacecraft, Vega I, entered the atmosphere of Halley’s Comet and sent back pictures of the comet’s icy nucleus–
  • A 5.4 earthquake shook Riviere-du-Loup, 250 miles northeast of Montreal–
  • A 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Indonesia–
  • NASA launched a spacecraft as part of the Kepler Mission project in order to find habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy–


  • Sixteen tornadoes in Illinois and Indiana–
  • Twenty-eight cities in the north-central United States reported record high temperatures. Pickstown, South Dakota, led the country with 83F, and Saint Cloud, Minnesota, registered 71F, beating its previous record by 21 degrees.–
  • More than 90% of Lake Superior was covered with ice due to long stretches of unusually cold weather.–

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