In the United States, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is observed each year on March 29 to honor the service and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans who had served during the Vietnam War. That date marks the day in 1973 when the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam, following a peace agreement signed that January.
Over 3 million Americans served during the war. More than 58,000 lost their lives in service, their names now listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington D.C. More than 1,500 are still unaccounted for.
Vietnam Veterans Day was first proclaimed by President Barack Obama on March 29, 2012, as a one-time observance. “… We pay tribute to the fallen, the missing, the wounded, the millions who served, and the millions more who awaited their return. Our Nation stands stronger for their service, and on Vietnam Veterans Day, we honor their proud legacy with our deepest gratitude.”
In 2017, President Trump signed the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, which officially recognized March 29 each year as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. A proclamation from November 10, 2017, about the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, says, “… We will honor all those who answered our Nation’s call to duty. We vow to never again confuse personal disapproval of war with prejudice against those who honorably wear the uniform of our Armed Forces. With conviction, our Nation pledges our enduring respect, our continuing care, and our everlasting commitment to all Vietnam veterans.”
Daily Calendar for Saturday, March 29, 2025
The last three days of March (March 29, 30, 31) have a reputation for being stormy. Scottish folklore proposes that these three days were borrowed from April so that March might extend his power. The Spanish story about the borrowing days is that a shepherd promised March a lamb if he would temper the winds to suit the shepherd’s flocks. But after his request was granted, the shepherd refused to deliver the payment. In revenge, March borrowed three days from April, in which fiercer winds than ever blew to punish the deceiver.
A Scottish proverb describing these days:
March borrowit from April
Three days, and they were ill:
The first was frost, the second was snaw [snow],
The third was cauld [cold] as ever’t could blaw [blow].
Question of the Day
Can I plant jicama in Michigan?
Probably not. Jicama requires a frost-free, nine-month growing season since it is a tropical plant. You could do it in a greenhouse, but otherwise this plant is confined to the southern regions of the U.S. It is primarily grown in Mexico, the Philippines, Hawaii, and Formosa. You would be wise to get jicama into your diet, however. It’s a cheap substitute for water chestnuts in Asian dishes, and is high in vitamins, A, B, and C, along with calcium and phosphorus.
Advice of the Day
Rub vitamin E oil into your pets’ ears to help relieve ear mites.
Home Hint of the Day
Paint a room from the top down. Start with the ceiling, do the walls next, and then work on doors, windows, and other trim. If you’re going to paint the floors, do them last.
Word of the Day
Moon rides High/runs Low
The Moon is highest above or farthest below the celestial equator.
Puzzle of the Day
I am a word of four letters; in me may be found a verb, an animal, a viscid liquid, a science, a conjunction, and a preposition.
Star - sat - rat - tar - art - as - at
- John Tyler (10th U.S. president) –
- Cy Young (baseball player) –
- Lou Henry Hoover (U.S. First Lady) –
- Sam Walton (businessman) –
- Pearl Bailey (singer) –
- Judith Guest (author) –
- Eric Idle (actor) –
- Dennis McLain (baseball player) –
- Karen Ann Quinlan (patient on life-support whose parents fought for her right to die) –
- Kurt Thomas (gymnast) –
- Elle Macpherson (model) –
- Lucy Lawless (actress) –
- Jennifer Capriati (tennis player) –
- Alistair Cooke (a journalist for almost 70 years, Cooke was widely known to television audiences as the master of ceremonies on the cultural program Omnibus in the 1950s and later as the host of Masterpiece Theater) –
- Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. (lawyer) –
- Patty Duke (actress) –
- Anita Shreve (writer) –
- First federal highway, the Great National Pike, authorized –
- National Road, the first federally funded road, was authorized –
- Vesta, brightest asteroid, discovered –
- The first White House wedding took place. Lucy Payne Washington, sister-in-law of President James Madison, married Supreme Court Justice Thomas Todd –
- Gen. Winfield Scott formally occupied Vera Cruz, Mexico –
- Due to ice jam, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for the first time in recorded history –
- The first batch of Coca Cola was brewed over a fire in a backyard in Atlanta. John Pemberton created the concoction as a hangover cure, and it was advertised as brain tonic. Cocaine was an ingredient of Coke until 1904 when Congress banned it –
- First performance of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus –
- Sunbeam 1000 HP first car to exceed 200 mph –
- Jack Benny’s radio debut –
- World War II food rationing began –
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg convicted of conspiring to convey atom bomb secrets to Soviet agents –
- Ratification of the 23rd amendment to the Constitution gave residents of Washington, D.C., right to vote in presidential elections –
- Lt. William Calley Jr. convicted for massacre of civilians at Mylai, S. Vietnam –
- Last U.S. personnel left S. Vietnam –
- After protesting—in song—that they were never featured on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show got their wish. A week later, the band’s single Cover of the Rolling Stone went gold –
- The film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest won five Academy Awards –
- Madonna made her stage debut in David Mamet’s Speed the Plow in NYC –
- First Soviet hockey player signed with the NHL –
- Catherine Callbeck became the first woman to be elected premier (P.E.I.) in Canada –
- Tom Jones was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace –
- Bono of U2 was crowned a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in an informal ceremony in the Dublin home of British Ambassador David Reddaway –
- Shiveluch volcano erupted, Kamchatka, Russia –
- From March 28 to 29, Washington, D.C., experienced a drop in temperature from 82F to 26F, ending an early “false spring.” –
- A bad sleet storm hit Fort Wayne, Indiana –
- The temperature in Boston reached 70 degrees F –