The custom of honoring ancestors by cleaning cemeteries and decorating graves is an ancient and worldwide tradition, but the specific origin of Memorial Day, or Decoration Day as it was first known, are unclear. In early rural America, this duty was usually performed in late summer and was an occasion for family reunions and picnics. After the Civil War, America’s need for a secular, patriotic ceremony to honor its military dead became prominent, as monuments to fallen soldiers were erected and dedicated, and ceremonies centering on the decoration of soldiers’ graves were held in towns and cities throughout the nation.
No less than 25 places have been named in connection with the origin of Memorial Day, and for many years, states observed the holiday on different dates. By federal law, however, Memorial Day is now celebrated on the last Monday in May. Since it all started with the Civil War, you might want to brush up on your knowledge of this event by visiting the Library of Congress Civil War collection, which includes more than a thousand photographs.
Some candle wax dripped on a white tablecloth over the holidays. The cloth was washed before the wax was noted. The wax came off but left a stain. Is there a way to get this stain out of the cloth, or is it permanent?
You don’t mention what sort of fabric the tablecloth is made of, but if it’s cotton or linen, soak the spot in a small amount of bleach heavily diluted with water. Immerse the stained area in the water and let it sit for a few minutes, rubbing the discolored area gently. Rinse thoroughly. If the wax left a yellow stain, it can be removed by ordinary denture-cleaning tablets. Fill a container with warm water and immerse the stained portion. Add the denture tablets in the ratio recommended on the package and let them dissolve. Soak until the spot disappears.
Advice of the Day
To more easily recork a bottle of wine, insert the cork upside down.
Home Hint of the Day
Always pull a glass cutter swiftly and continuously along the line to be cut. Never go over the same cut twice; that dulls the cutting wheel and blunts the taper on the inside of the first cut.
Word of the Day
The name Florida comes from a Spanish phrase meaning “Feast of Flowers.”
Puzzle of the Day
What do you get when you cross a rooster and a duck?
A bird that gets up at the quack of dawn.
Al Jolson(entertainer)–
John Wayne(actor)–
Jay Silverheels(actor who played Tonto” on The Lone Ranger TV series”)–
Peggy Lee(actress)–
Stevie Nicks(singer)–
Sally Ride(astronaut; first American woman in space)–
Richa Moorjani(actress)–
Julianna Rose Mauriello(actress)–
Micah Parsons(football player)–
Victor Herbert(composer)–
Sydney Pollack(actor & director)–
Earle H. Hagen(composer; whistled the tune for The Andy Griffith Show)–
Art Linkletter(radio and television personality)–
Ray Liotta(actor
Smallpox epidemic in Boston, Massachusetts –
First public elevator at Eiffel Tower opened –
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was published for the first time –
Archaeological Institute of America incorporated –
Boat of Pharaoh Cheops discovered near Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt –
The host of NBC’s Today Show, Dave Garroway, announced his plans to retire from the show –
Canada and the U.S. signed the Pacific Albacore Tuna Treaty –
Millions of frogs forced closure of Egnatia Highway in Greece –
For a few days beginning around this time, Galveston, Texas, shores had abnormally blue water due to a change in ocean current –
A tornado hit Oakwood, Ortonville, and Thomas, Michigan –
Long tornado—damage trail said to extend 293 miles—struck Mattoon and Charleston, Illinois, approximately $2 million in damages –