Daily Calendar for Wednesday, April 30, 2025

Question of the Day

We often hear the expression “brinksmanship.” Does this mean diplomacy to the brink of war or sanctions?
Brinksmanship was a term used by Adlai Stevenson in the 1950s in his criticism of the policies of then Secretary of State John Foster Dulles; Stevenson believed Dulles’ methods would lead the United States to the brink of war. The word is still used in this context.

Advice of the Day

Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to dishwater to cut grease and leave dishes sparkling.

Home Hint of the Day

If you reuse old timbers, hammer nails and spikes back through the timbers, then pull them out with a wrecking bar. To save time switching between tools, convert two into one. Cut off the end of a hammer head with a power hacksaw, then weld it to a wrecking bar.

Word of the Day

An earthen jar charged with powder, grenades, and other materials of an offensive and suffocating smell, — sometimes used in boarding an enemy’s vessel.

Puzzle of the Day

You throw away the outside. You cook the inside. You eat the outside. You throw away the inside. What am I?
Corn on the cob.


  • David Thompson (explorer)
  • John Crowe Ransom (poet)
  • Simon Kuznets (economist)
  • Edith Margaret Fowke (folklorist)
  • Cloris Leachman (actress)
  • Jill Clayburgh (actress)
  • Annie Dillard (author)
  • Perry King (actor)
  • Isiah Thomas (basketball player)
  • Kirsten Dunst (actress)


  • Sarah Josepha Hale (first woman magazine editor in the United States, poet)
  • Casey Jones (railroad engineer, died at the throttle, slowing down his crashing Cannonball trying to save passengers’ lives)
  • Adolf Hitler (committed suicide)
  • Agnes Moorehead (actress)
  • Muddy Waters (musician)
  • Tom Poston (actor)
  • Ling Ling (Japan’s oldest giant panda)


  • Marguerite Bourgeoys opened the first school in Montreal, Quebec
  • George Washington was inaugurated as the first U.S. president
  • The United States Department of the Navy was established
  • The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million, more than doubling the size of the country
  • Louisiana was admitted to the Union as the 18th state
  • U.S. patent #2,000,000 issued
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first president to appear on television
  • USS Peto first sub to be launched sideways, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
  • Law passed to have name of Boulder Dam restored to Hoover Dam
  • Monica Seles was stabbed by a deranged fan of Steffi Graf
  • Jeff Feagles of the New York Giants announced his retirement. He played a league record of 352 consecutive games.


  • A tornado in Minnesota killed 16 and injured 100
  • For the first time in its record-keeping history, Oklahoma City passed the month of April without a single thunderstorm