Daily Calendar for Friday, March 21, 2025

Question of the Day

What was America’s biggest pig?
The record probably belongs to Big Bill, a Poland China hog from Tennessee that weighed a stunning 2,552 pounds and measured 9 feet long. (His belly dragged on the ground.) At his demise, this little piggy didn’t go to market. Instead, he was stuffed, mounted, and displayed.

Advice of the Day

Plow deep while sluggards sleep, And you will have corn to sell or keep.

Home Hint of the Day

If a window shade returns to the top too fast, remove the shade, unroll it a few turns and replace it in its hangers.

Word of the Day

The point in a planet’s orbit that is closest to the Sun.

Puzzle of the Day

Can a leopard change his spots?
Yes, when he is tired of one place, he can go to another.


  • Pocahontas (aka Rebecca Rolfe, funeral occurred on this date)
  • Frederick Winslow Taylor (father of scientific management”“)
  • Macdonald Carey (actor)
  • Herman Talmadge (governor & U.S. senator)
  • Rabbi Israel Miller (leader of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)
  • Johnny Bristol (producer, songwriter, & singer)
  • Ludmilla Tcherina (French-artist & ballet star)
  • Barney Martin (actor)
  • Bernard Lacoste (head of fashion company best known for its crocodile-crested polo shirts)
  • James Rebhorn (actor)


  • Johann Sebastian Bach (composer; Old Style date)
  • Modest Mussorgsky (composer)
  • Florenz Ziegfeld (theatrical producer)
  • Halton Christian Arp (American astronomer)
  • Jules Bergman (newsman)
  • James Coco (actor)
  • Timothy Dalton (actor)
  • Gary Oldman (actor)
  • Ayrton Senna (race car driver)
  • Matthew Broderick (actor)
  • Rosie O'Donnell (comedienne & actress)


  • Thomas Jefferson reported to President Washington in NY as the new Secretary of State
  • Jane Croly organized first club for professional women, Sorosis, in New York City
  • Journalist Henry M. Stanley began his famous expedition into Africa to locate the missing Scottish missionary, David Livingstone
  • World War I Second Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest in history, began in France
  • United Nations established temporary headquarters in New York City, at Hunter College
  • DJ Alan Freed hosted the first rock-n-roll concert, Cleveland, Ohio. Reportedly, 25,000 people showed up, though only 10,000 seats were available
  • Sharpeville Massacre took place in S. Africa when blacks besieged Johannesburg police station protesting law requiring all blacks to carry papers
  • The federal prison on Alcatraz Island, California, closed after 29 years of operation
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led thousands of civil rights demonstrators on a 50+ mile walk from Selma to Montgomery, AL, demanding voting rights for African Americans
  • Order of Canada, to honor outstanding contributions to society and country, instituted
  • Royals was the winning name for the new Kansas City baseball team
  • The Guess Who’s “American Woman” was released as a single
  • Soviet sub collided with USS Kitty Hawk
  • U.S. figure skater Debi Thomas became the first African American woman to win the world’s championship, Geneva, Switzerland
  • After 33 years, Dick Clark announced he was stepping down as host of American Bandstand
  • Former NBA star Michael Jordan was dropped from the White Sox major league baseball roster and sent to minor league spring training camp
  • Rajveer Meena recited 70,000 decimal places of pi


  • Tornado swept through southeastern U.S., killing more than 300 people